
An Immensely Simple & Powerful Plan To Awaken / Change The World!

(We need your help -- Please read through everything in sequence!  Take the time to do this -- it will change your life!)

1.  Read the Intro and do Step 1 & 2 at the bottom of the Intro page.

2.  Light Channeling - What this does is take us through a metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly (or from human to Humanity 2.0). 

3.  Question:  What is the "technology" you use in this group?  

4.  If you keep doing Light Channeling, you will start seeing everything in your life as sacred or miraculous! Over time, it will make our world sacred or a world full of the Light and Love of the Most High (A Light Planet)! 

5.  Here's how you can help us!  

6.  Most humans only change when they are faced with crisis situations.  But you can change Now - We have made it incredibly simple and fun! You can have a blast doing it!   

7.  (4 Mins) Discover the "Most High" experience  - This blew me away! 

8.   (15 Mins) Absolutely Heavenly - Holy Light experience  - Must See!  

9.  More About Me - What Is A Starseed?  

10.  What is the Breakthrough being shared (for free) in this group?  

11.  Everyone has something in their life that's not working - here's how to fix it.

12.  My Best Garret sessions (so far) 

13.  Garret's Most Powerful Morning Prayer -- to start the day right!

14.  (5 Mins)  I love this 5 min Garret prayer session -- I use this one daily  

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