
3. What is the technology you use?

I have described what we offer here as a "5D Consciousness Technology".  Several people are asking me what is this technology that we use here?  This is an important question, so I wanted to explain it here as well as I can.

By technology I don't mean device or gadget like a phone.  Technology means a sequence of methods and tools that is utilized to achieve a desired objective.

What is the objective in our group?  To transform people from caterpillar mindset to a beautiful butterfly (or from 3D thinking to 5D consciousness).  So we can change the consciousness on our planet.  That's the reason why millions of Starseeds and Light beings are on this planet at this time.  To help transform consciousness. 

I will share 2 short videos below that will explain this technology better.  In the Intro  pageI had said that we are designed to live in this beautiful planet in Perfect Health, Radiant Joy and Bliss, Perfect Loving Relationships, Perfect Abundance and Flow of All Good Things that our Hearts desire, Higher Intelligence, Creativity, Genius, Deep Loving Connection with each other and with the Most High, and Perfect Peace, Balance and Harmony. This is the natural state for all humans.  What keeps us apart from that high state is we dont understand how to have this Light and Love of the Most High flowing through us and through our hearts. This is the transition that is happening now in humanity.  This is called "Oneness".

We can show you how to experience this right now and how to make it your natural state. 

(I am assuming at this point you have already gone through Steps 1 and 2 on the Intro page before seeing these videos.  Its ok if you haven't done the 45 min guided meditation in Step 2 yet.  As long as you've read through most of the info.  If you haven't read it, please go do that now.)

So here are the 2 videos.  I will add more comments below the 2 videos.   Please see these 2 videos now with an open mind.

Video 1:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJTswT1ALko&feature=youtu.be  (6 mins)

Video 2:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzGjVxLTWnk&feature=youtu.be  (6 mins)

Video 1 explains how this transformation occurs by the Light.  We are essentially liquifying our egos, belief systems, our prior thinking.  Just like a caterpillar liquifies and out of the liquid, the butterfly takes shape and is formed.  

Video 2 explains that to carry the Light we have to develop the habit of always stepping out of the ego constructs.  This is hard to do and can take many lifetimes to develop this skill.  Because the ego controls all our thoughts.  But Garret has developed a method with his prayers, where we are so awe struck by the grandeur of this Light and Love experience.  This experience is so awe inspiring for us that it relinquishes the ego for us automatically.  We dont need several lifetimes to develop this skill using these methods.  And once we do it again and again, we develop this habit of always remaining in the Light where the ego is not controlling our life and thoughts anymore.  This is revolutionary!  The technology works - all you need to do it try it yourself!

So this is how all our ego constructs are liquified and out of this liquid, our Human 2.0 self is created.  We become far more Powerful, Loving, Dedicated, Joyful, etc., etc.

You may not understand this completely as yet just by going through these 2 videos, but keep attending Garret's prayer sessions.  It will become very clear to you how this is working in your own life and experience.

And what I find so incredible is that Garret's methods are so easy to do for anyone.  All I do is lie down and just listen.  I do it early in the morning while waking up.  Or you can sit.  Its up to you.  Its a very easy meditation.

Plus if you are struggling trying to manifest stuff using LOA methods, try Garret's prayers!  They will create miracles in your life and attract whatever you need or want in your life in a very powerful way.  I have been using LOA methods seriously for years.  I have never found it easier to create what I want in my life than through using Garret's prayers.

I find that doing regular LOA is hard.  Its hard to hold my vibration at a certain high level, etc thats a match to what I want.  Garrets methods are very easy in comparison.  Its a night and day difference.  And I see big things happening in my life as a result.  And also in so many others lives.

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