
6. Most humans only change when they are faced with crisis situations. But you can change Now - We have made it incredibly simple and fun! You can have a blast doing it!

It's true!  Most humans only change when they are faced with crisis situations.

It's getting obvious to most - the crisis situations are coming with more and more frequency now.  Isn't it obvious?

So are you going to take a leadership role - and change now?

Please read through everything I have written above in the Steps menu tab.  Is that making any sense to you?

We are not asking for huge changes or a huge commitment here.  It's not a ton of stuff you need to do.  You don't need to leave your life and go inside a cave or something.  Or spend a lot of time doing it.

If you have little time, just do the Light Channeling 7 mins in the am and pm.  It's very simple.  It can't get any simpler.

If you're using Garret's Light Channeling method, it's so easy and fun.  I haven't found a simpler spiritual method in decades of seeking, honestly.

This stuff will change your life - and change the world!  Give it a try for 30 days.  Do it consistently 2x a day for 30 days and then see!

Try to do everything I wrote in the post - How you can help us!  That is very good!

Don't wait for crisis situations.  Start changing now!  Then there will be no more crisis situations.  Our planet will turn  into Light and Love or the Golden Age!

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