
5. Here's how you can help us!

What is happening right now is we are moving from the Age of Ignorance to the Divine Age or Golden Age.  

What Light Channeling does is it helps us to jump start our lives, so we can be back in the Divine Flow.  See humanity has been in ignorance also called body mind consciousness for thousands of years.  This is also called illusion, Maya or matrix.  Now we want to make the shift to the Divine Consciousness or Oneness Consciousness or Christ Consciousness.  Because we want the good energy flow to start again in our lives and experience. 

When your car is not starting, you need to jump start it.  You need to connect your car with jumper cables to a good battery.  This is exactly what Light Channeling does for you.  So the Divine electricity can start flowing again.  So the drained battery of your Heart and mind can charge back up again with the Light and Love of the Most High.  So you can be yourself once again.

But after it starts, you must drive the car around for a while.  Similarly in this case, you must do things with that Divine energy in your Heart.  That will enable you to get back into the Divine flow or state once again.  So you can get back to who you really are! 

What must you do?  Do whatever you can do to help our movement!  Take an active role, not a passive one.  Then you will be back in the Divine Flow!

Start doing Light Channeling daily!

Allow this Light and Love energy of the Most High to permeate your life fully more and more!

Join our live calls and invite others!

Also share our book!

Wear our tees!  When others see you wearing the tees, they may be motivated to get back into the Divine Flow or Golden Age energies also! 

Do whatever you can think of to help our movement!  See this as Your Movement. Because it will change the world!

If you do these things, you will be jump starting your life and making it a Divine life!

Dedicate your entire life for this purpose - to spread or expand the Golden Age!  Dedicate your work or whatever you do to the Light and Love also!  Think about it constantly.

In the first part of my book, I asked you to see 10 mins of a video.  It was about Stepping Into the Divine Age.  What is happening is that we are coming into the influence of the Great Central Sun or the Eye of the Universe.  This Center Point all the time always emits cosmic rays of Love, Peace, Truth and Freedom.  When our Earth or any planet is in front of this Eye, we directly receive these Cosmic rays.  Then we are constantly flooded with these Divine energies. 

When we are not directly in front of this eye, we experience these Divine energies much less.  So we experience more of the opposite energies, such as ignorance, hatred, division, violence, etc.  What is happening now is that Earth is coming more and more in front of this eye.  So we are coming under the influence of these Divine energies.  But this process takes a long time, many, many years.  Over the next 10 years or so, most people will start understanding these energies.  It will be part of their experience.  But it doesn't need to take a long time. All you need to do is jump start these energies in your life!  And help others to do the same!

If you do Light Channeling daily and help others learn about our movement, you will be much much more in the Divine Flow yourself!  You will be benefitting greatly from these glorious, magical energies!  You will be jump starting your magical or miraculous life again!  You will be out of the box.  The mechanistic box that most humans are trapped in will have no more influence on you.

If you are really feeling the energy of the Light Channeling, that's great!  Just do it 2x daily minimum.  Do a longer session and a shorter session daily.  Or do the 7 mins in the am and pm.  Whatever you do, just do it consistently.  So the energy can keep growing in your life.

If you are not feeling the energy, make a commitment to do it for 30 days straight.  Even the shorter sessions, do them 2x daily for 30 days.  Or do the 7 mins in the am and pm for 30 days.  Then you will start feeling it.  I am so sure of that!  Just make a commitment and stick to it!

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