
4. If you keep doing Light Channeling, you will start seeing everything in your life as sacred or miraculous! Over time, it will make our world sacred or a world full of the Light and Love of the Most High (A Light Planet)!

In truth, everything is sacred.  We are born out of the sacred Light!  When we are on the path of Light Channeling, we identify with the Holy Light and Love of the Most High more and more.  Then we are no longer in the mechanistic 3d or mental space or box that most humans are trapped in.

Soon, we start living in a space of non-duality, non-separation.  Also called Oneness.  Where there is no more fear or doubt or worry.  Everything we need just creates or manifests automatically and very easily.

We learn to carry a very High Vibration of Light and Love all the time.  This happens over time.  Our work also transforms when we learn to see things this way.

Let me give you an example, these Light Channeling sessions that Garret provides.  He does all of them real time.  He does not plan them out first.  But when we hear them, it seems that everything is so highly orchestrated or fine-tuned.  It seems to me that he has spent hours and hours putting together the music and the words.

When I listen to it, it feels like to me that it's coming from a very high space, a miraculous realm.  Every session to me feels like a miracle.  Because it's so well put together.  But Garret recently told us that he does it real time.  That blew my mind.  How is that possible?

Once we keep Light Channeling, our work will flow the same way as well out of us.  It will feel like a miracle to others who are around us.  Because everything will flow from the Light.

This is the way we are supposed to live every moment of our lives.  In this very, very High space.  This is called Golden Age or 5D!

This is the way this book also just flowed out of me a month or so ago.   I was not planning it.  I was not planning any of this, all what I am doing now.  And now there are so many people who are loving it.  People want to help me manifest the various Light projects, etc!

I recommend just keep doing the Light Channeling.  If you have less time, just do the 7 mins in the morning and evening.  Everyone can do that.  And it's so easy and fun.  It's not tough at all.

As more and more people do it, it exponentially increases the Light and Love on our planet!  So people who are not doing the Light Channeling start feeling the energy also.  It starts removing their mental blocks and slowly transforming them!  They will feel, hey there's something going on here and they will start exploring or seeking.  

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