This is a great question. And it's good for people to understand this clearly.
In the Intro post I said this: "This is called 5D or Heaven on Earth or Magical World or a state of Oneness. This is actually man's true and natural state! This is the state that we would naturally experience more and more of if we allowed more of the Light and Love of the Higher to flow through us and through our Hearts." ❤
The breakthrough that Garret is giving to us that I have not seen anywhere else is this revolutionary consciousness technology. What this technology does is it enables us to be in this magical state where we are so awe-struck by this Love and Light experience, that it enables us to put our ego constructs on the side or on hold. It enables us to transcend our little selves or our egos and our prior thinking or belief systems. And be fully connected to this experience of the Light of the Most High.
As we call on this Light or get connected to it again and again and again, over time we develop this habit of constant ego-lessness and fear-lessness. Or non-separation, non-duality. Also constant connection with the Most High or the Angelic realms and the Great beings of Light. We literally transform into Humanity 2.0! (You will no longer be affected by the ego or darkness or trials and tribulations of the 3D world.)
If you do this for a month, Or 3 or 6 or 9 months like I have, you will see the enormous difference it's made in your life and in others around you also! You will be living more and more as the beautiful butterfly. And everything you need will come magically into your experience. Everything your heart and soul have been longing for and you have not received for long time will start coming magically into your experience!
Love & Light! ❤
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