
9. More About Me - What Is A Starseed?

 I have told people that I am a 60 year old 1st wave Starseed.  I have been passionate about Spirituality almost all my life.

(It’s extremely interesting to me that there are millions of Starseeds and Light Beings on Earth at this time.  Just for the purpose of aiding humanity in the Great Awakening or transition to the Golden Age.  This is very exciting!  This is why I work with passion for the Divine purpose!  Doing my part of the mission or what I came here to do.)

I had written an email to my sister around 1 year ago sharing with her that I am a Starseed.  The letter is good.  It contains more info on what is a Starseed, Dolores Cannon’s work on 3 waves of volunteers.  Also some of the miracles that were happening in my life so I could awaken more fully and start helping others.

Here is the link to the letter:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/199xV5K_Z7mIQsSl3BdBAxzBUbOoxEGsUzaAb5gmOvbE/edit?usp=sharing

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