If you just want to see the 7 min demo session and the longer session, just go here.
Garret John’s sessions will change many people’s lives! It will help you to grow Spiritually very fast and truly understand our world much better. If you practice Law of Attraction, you will find that your manifestations or what you desire will come a lot faster and much more easily.
On Mach 20, 2020, I wrote an email to many of my friends re Garret’s sessions. I would like to share this email here. I am writing this doc on 11/11/20. So below this email, I will share some updates and my thoughts currently.
Subject: This is Good!
Email Date: Mar 20, 2020
I know that we are experiencing trying times right now with great uncertainty and fear. Many don’t know what is happening or how long this will last.
However there is one thing that I do every day that is helping me TONS and I wanted to share it with others. This is why I am sending you this email. This is an online prayer/ meditation group. One of the most powerful, spirit-filled and relevant meditations that I have ever seen or experienced. It is usually about 45 mins daily. And I really look forward to it daily at 4:30 in the morning Indian time. Or 7pm US Eastern time. I have been doing this for a week and I am extremely grateful for having found this.
I wanted to tell you a little more about this before I give you the link to this online prayer group below (its free).
Many years ago, I had seen some very powerful movies online. These include Thrive, The Secret and several more. Some of the most powerful videos I have seen were made by a guy named Garret John. I saw his videos around 9 years ago.
Please take 4 minutes to see one of his videos right now and then I am going to share some miraculous stuff about this below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hO-C4ohGNE (4 min long - see this video, you will really enjoy this!)
Garret created many videos over time and he says his videos were inspired by a spiritual being named Archangel Michael. All his videos inspire many people highly. It gives people a sense of awe or inspiration or gives you shivers. All his videos are like that.
Have you heard the story of Lady of Fatima or Mother Mary? See this 3 minute video clip from the movie (when Lady of Fatima appeared to 3 children) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9lnLusZ6h0
The Lady of Fatima is a true story that happened in 1917 when Mother Mary appeared to 3 children. She told them to pray a lot for 6 months. At first no one believed them but later tons of people in the village started praying and believing it and it became a very wide spread movement. Mother Mary had a big role in ending the Spanish Flu or Black Death plague that happened in 1918. Several weeks ago I had read that the economy of India (and many parts of the world) was devastated in 1918 due to this plague. The Holy Mother had appeared one year before this time for this purpose of averting the pain and suffering.
(This is not about converting people to Christianity or Catholic religion. I know there is power in prayer, especially group prayer. There is tons of scientific evidence on the power of prayer on plants, etc. Also the experiments done by founder of Transcendental Meditation or TM, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on society and world violence and crime. I dont know about the validity of these experiments but thats not what this is about. I do know that prayer is powerful.)
Garret has a similar story. He said that he was told by the Holy Mother and Archangel Michael to start this group 1 year ago. Earlier he didn't know what this is about. But he started his group and attracted a handful of people. Now he knows that the Coronavirus is the reason why he was asked to start this group one year ago. Just as the Holy Mother appeared one year before a really trying time for the world. The world was going through a world war and the plague was about to hit. Similarly Garret says that he got visitations from the Holy Mother and Archangel Michael one year ago. Due to this time we are going through now.
I dont know the truth about all this. However, I suggest that you listen to the recording of the sessions that we have been having. I know this may not be for everyone. But I love it and look forward to this every morning. So I felt compelled to share this. If you feel drawn to see it, its usually about 45 mins long.
Listen to this session. (This is one of my best sessions so far, so do listen to this one!) . Here is the 7 min audio (THIS IS THE 7 MIN DEMO I HAVE TALKED ABOUT EARLIER) - Listen to this now if you can! It's here: (Please be sure to listen to the Part 2 after listening to this 7 min demo - right below this) Please listen with headphones or earbuds. You can lie down or sit comfortably and just listen. https://youtu.be/zzDDGpuwwRw
(NOW HERE IS PART 2): https://youtu.be/6HEFgHcactA?t=722 (This will skip over the first part you have already heard!)
Please listen to both parts if you can together - They are really Powerful! 🙏
(July 2021 Note - Please be sure to see all the 4 videos included in the above email! They are really great & you will understand the most about this glorious Light energy if you see them!
Note - If you don't like the music or don't like it for any reason, then go to Other 5D Paths tab in the top menu - those are without music.
IMPORTANT - After doing the above session, go to the Steps tab in the top menu. I recommend that you make a commitment to do at least 3 or 4 sessions (Look for my Best sessions in the list on the Steps page). However not everyone will experience the power of it. Some people will be highly blown away. But there will be people who don't notice very much. In that case I highly recommend that you see the Other 5D Paths tab in the top menu. Read the entire page there and try the methods there. These methods on that page are very simple and requires only 7 mins in the morning and 7 mins in the evening. It's very simple for anyone to do. Please don't give up on Light Channeling. It will change your life if you keep at it. I am so sure of that. So keep doing the simple 7 min method.)
IMPORTANT - In the Steps menu tab, I have written a post titled "What Light Channeling does is it takes us through a Metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly (or from human to Humanity 2.0)!" This is a Must Read post! Light Channeling is the most fun and easiest guided meditation I have ever experienced!! It's something that anyone can do. All one has to do is lie down or sit comfortably and just listen to it. It's so simple! If you don't have time, you can easily do it in 7 mins in the am and 7 mins in the pm. So it requires hardly any time! And Light Channeling will change people's lives 180-degrees and will totally transform the world! It will turn our human experience from night into day! Isn't that exciting?
There's one more important point. Here is a quote from Garret: "This process of the Light the more you do it will continue to blow your mind. If this is your first time, you might have felt just a glimpse. If you start doing this every day that glimpse will become a blinding Light. That little wisp will become like a tornado. This will fundamentally change your life."
This is totally true. The initial experience I have shared with you here may give you just a glimpse. I have been doing this daily for over one year now and my experience and that of many in my fb group is almost like a blinding Light now. There is a lot more coming in this main site and in my subreddit for those who like the experience and want to explore this further and take their connection a lot deeper.
Please see the Live Sessions tab in the menu on Top.
11/11/20 Update
In my life I have attended countless meditations and prayer groups. Around 10 years ago I found out that I am a Starseed (Starseeds are people who have come to the Earth from elsewhere, especially for helping humanity for the transition to the New 5D World or Golden Age. I have written more about this elsewhere in this site.)
One of the most important characteristics of Starseeds is that we have been truly passionate about Spirituality from a young age and we have always felt like foreigners here. Most Starseeds do not know that we are Starseeds. We have to go through an Awakening process first. (I had many miracles happen to me when I awoke to this fact.)
One thing that Archangel Michael had told Garret was that we as humanity don’t pray enough. We need to pray a lot more, especially as a group. This message went in my heart in March. I was motivated to pray 2x daily using Garret’s methods, so I created a shorter 10 min prayer. I will share this recording later (See under Steps menu tab).
All I can say is that I have benefitted so much and I have seen so many others benefit so much! Most people think that 2020 was their worst year due to the Pandemic. I also faced a lot of issues. However, I consider 2020 my best year ever! Because it’s the year I truly found myself and really discovered my true Power and discovered so many abilities - only due to Garret’s prayers. Thank you Garret for being the instrument of the Divine that you are!
All you need to do is lie down and relax in your bed and just listen to it (or sit). I love doing that first thing in the morning. It used to be 4:30 am my time. The first thing when I awoke I just lay in bed and listened to it with a very receptive mind. And I absolutely loved it and saw the amazing changes very quickly!
If you are in the US, it’s in the evening for you (8pm New York time). But if you prefer to do it in the morning while laying in bed, just listen to the recordings of the sessions. No need to catch them live. But try to listen to all the new sessions - it will change your life! I am so sure of this and so excited for you!
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